The Song of Simeon

Luke 2:21-32


Share how you have seen God in the Highs and Lows of your week.


Pray that God would lead your discussion time and bring fresh insight, conviction, and hope through your time together.


Context: Work as group to put together a picture of what is happening in the story:

  • Mary and Joseph were coming to the temple to circumcise Jesus at 8 days old as the law required

  • Simeon had developed a reputation as a Righteous man

  • His persistence in prayer had been ongoing for a lifetime

Read the passage out loud together.


Share about a time of ‘waiting’ in your life where you were praying for something VERY important to you, and the only answer you felt you got from the Lord was “wait”… (Luke 2:25-26)

Discuss the way God develops our character in the waiting time (Luke 2:25-27)

  • Dependence on the timing of God

  • Perseverance in prayer and readiness to move (Luke 2:27)

  • Surrender to God’s purposes in that time…

Discuss how can we see evidence of  the depth and confidence of Simeon’s walk with God at the Messiah’s coming. (Luke 25-32)

  • Persistent prayer that continues for literally a lifetime

  • Receiving a word of promise by the Holy Spirit (Luke 2:26)

  • Joy and rest at seeing Jesus, even as a baby (Luke 2:29-30)

  • Firm confidence in speaking prophetically about Jesus (Luke 2:31-32)

The message of the Gospel is that we can have peace with God.  Divide up into groups of 2-3 and share with each other very simply how that works—How did Jesus ‘bring peace’, ‘make us right’, ‘reconcile us’…

  • How does that work? 

  • What is our part in finding peace with God?


Close in prayer thanking God for His “…very great salvation” that we have in Jesus Christ when we are born again!!


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