Fearless Finish: Reaching our Promised Land

Joshua 24:1-33


Enjoy some time catching up with each other over some food/snacks.  Consider having some music playing in the background, make people welcome and at home.


Share with each other how you saw God this week in the “high” and “low” of your week


Pray that God would lead your discussion time and bring fresh insight, conviction, and hope through your time together.


Context: Work as group to put together a picture of what is happening in the story:

o   Joshua is giving his final speech to the whole nation before they disperse to their lands

o   The Israelite people have a history of quickly falling away from God (e.g. Golden Calf)

Read the passage out loud together.


Share the story of “where you came from” and how you came to believe in Jesus as your Savior and Lord

Describe a past situation that was so clearly beyond your control that God was your only hope (no matter how hard you tried, worked, or pushed), and He got you through it

o   Joshua’s call to the people to “present themselves” to the Lord (24:1-2)

o   How was God your Source of safety or success (24:3-13)

o   How has this helped you acknowledge God regularly in daily life (24:14-15)

·         What spiritual disciplines help you in your daily choice to serve God with your life


Where do you need wisdom in a choice you are facing?

5 Questions to discuss (Andy Stanley)

o   The Integrity Question: Am I being honest with myself…really?

o   The Legacy Question: What story do I want to tell?

o   The Conscience Question: Is there a tension that deserves my attention?

o   The Maturity Question: What is the wise thing to do?

o   The Relationship Question: What does love require of me?


Share prayer needs and pray for each other.  If very personal things are being shared, consider prayer time in small groups of 2-3 people for this week.

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Fearless Farewell: Leaving a Legacy of Courage