Fearless Farewell: Leaving a Legacy of Courage

Fearless Farewell: Leaving a legacy of Courage

Joshua 23:1-16


Enjoy some time catching up with each other over some food/snacks.  Consider having some music playing in the background, make people welcome and at home.


Spend a few minutes sharing what God has done in your life this past week.


Pray that God would lead your discussion time and bring fresh insight, conviction, and hope through your time together.


Context: Work as group to put together a picture of what is happening in the story:

o   Joshua is now near the end of his life

o   Most of the land has been conquered, with a few areas still holding out

o   These are Joshua’s last words of commissioning and legacy for his people

Read the passage out loud together.


What are the things God has done for you that cause you to live for Him? (Rom 12:1)

How does closeness with God bring courage and endurance to our lives (Josh 23:8,11)

o   Beyond the feeling, there is the “Following”—active obedience wherever we are.  Talk about the example of Larry Clark from the sermon and what made his “following” create such wide ‘ripples’ of God’s work through him.

What part of God’s Word is a challenge for you to follow consistently, with endurance, right now?


What is one thing you can do to demonstrate your love for God above anything else this week?


Share prayer needs and pray for each other.  If very personal things are being shared, consider prayer time in small groups of 2-3 people for this week.


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Fearless Finish: Reaching our Promised Land