Life Group Expectations


A principle of leadership that has served me well (once it clicked) is “Lead expectations; don’t follow them.”

This applies in Life Groups at ZCC! Let’s face it, we each come from a whole range of backgrounds and needs, strengths and weaknesses, experiences and blind spots!

That’s why its important to have a clear idea of what it means to be part of a Life Group. The material here is not meant to be prescriptive (the “big black book of LGs at ZCC”) but rather a guideline or reference point of expectations that ZCC members can have of each other in joining. So, here goes…

The purpose of Life Groups is to ‘Grow in Christ Together’ through:

  • Nurturing authentic relationships in community (Acts 2:42-47)

  • Celebrating the common bond in Christ (John 17, Eph 4:1-16, Col 3:12-17, Phil 2:1-3)

  • Abiding in Christ as we are transformed to be like Him (John 17:17, Proverbs 27:17, Romans 12:1-2)

  • Shining the light we have into the world around us (Matt 25:35-40, Matt 28:18-20, Acts 1:8)


Necessary Components of all Life Groups at Zarephath:

  • Fellowship

  • Prayer

  • Bible-Centered

  • Accountability

  • Service

  • Multiplication

A Life Group as a whole seeks to glorify God by developing, strengthening and refining…

  • The character of our relationship with each other (Acts 2:42-47)

  • The lifestyle of abiding in Christ (John 17, Eph 4:1-16, Col 3:12-17, Phil 2:1-3)

  • The growth process of becoming more like Christ (John 17:17, Proverbs 27:17, Romans 12:1-2)

A Life Group leader seeks to nurture that growth in Christ! Yes, this is a work of the Holy Spirit, but we can play a part in “planting” and “watering” (1 Cor 3:6)! Per feedback from many of our leaders, here are some of the ways that we as Life Group leaders can make our group a GREAT place to grow in Christ!

  • Establish Expectations: This all about letting the group in on the “How we’re going to do this”

  • Cultivate Trust: Keep promises, model vulnerability, no jargon, no gossip, LOTS of grace AND truth

  • Center Scripture: The Bible is your reference point of truth in discussion, interpretation, etc.

  • Adapt Wisely: Be sensitive to needs, stay in touch with your people, make changes in step with needs

  • Connect Richly: This means making time to reach out to/with other LG leaders and ZCC staff/pastors

  • Reach Beyond: A group that serves together stays and grows together— find ways to do that!

A Life Group member commits to intentionally cooperate with these efforts by…

  • Prioritize: Make participation in the life group a priority in the weekly schedule

  • Prepare: Get ready for meetings in prayer and study of scripture

  • Apply: Prayerfully “walk out” what Scripture teaches in every area (work, family, church, community)

  • Motivate: Hold oneself accountable for personal spiritual goals, spurring each other on

  • Share: Talk about what God is doing in my life with those around me who do not yet know Jesus

  • Step up: Share in the logistics (help with food, engagement in discussion, clean up, etc).

  • Launch: Multiply what God is doing here by launching new groups as this group grows

  • Maintaining confidentiality of personal information that is shared within my Life Group. (This is with the exception when a LG leader discerns the need to communicate something to church leadership).

A member is committed to living out the values outlined above and will pursue to model Christ-like character, building up the church for Christ’s glory.


Personalities and Gifts!


The Talker…