Personalities and Gifts!


To each their own. You do you. ‘Viv la differance!’

There’s 1000 ways to say it, but basically, you’re weird... oops, spelling error… you’re wired. Wired to be you!

Turns out you’re the only you there is… but there’s actually quite a few people out there who are a lot like you!

Knowing what tendencies we have can help us to be more self aware, and in a Life Group context, can be a lot of fun (and really beneficial) to find out and talk about! We all have our own natural strengths and weaknesses, and learning to rely on each other’s strengths (while helping with/ being sensitive to each others’ weaknesses) can be really beneficial to Life group life!

Here are a couple (Personality and Spiritual Gift) tests your group members can take for free and get a handle on personality/ giftedness! You can discuss what you choose in your small group or just use it as a tool for self awareness:

The Enneagram Test

Spiritual Gifts Test


Serve Together, Stay Together


“But, I’m no Bible School Grad!”