No Regrets Death

II Timothy 4:6-8


Share how you have seen God in the Highs and Lows of your week.


Pray that God would lead your discussion time and bring fresh insight, conviction, and hope through your time together.


Context: Work as group to put together a picture of what is happening in Paul’s life at the time of his writing:

o   Paul is near the end of his life and ministry; in prison, facing the death penalty

o  Timothy, the leader he is writing to, was a co worker and confidant of Paul’s for many years

o   The purpose of the letter is sort of a “last words” to a beloved son in the faith

Read the passage together.


Describe someone in your life who you would say “lived well”— using their “dash” between birth and death well.

“I have fought (‘agonized in’) the good fight”

o   What makes a fight “good” in the sense Paul was referring to here? (Matt 10:34, 2 Tim 2:14, Titus 1:9)

o   How does “faith” help us to navigate the what/ how/ when… of this fight?

“I have finished (‘fulfilled’) the race”

o   How can we endure long enough, not only to survive, but to fulfill God’s purposes in and through us? (Col 1:29, Romans 12:1, Phil 3:7-14, James 1:12)

o   How is the Christian life a ‘race’— why did Paul use this term? (I Cor 9:24, 2 Tim 2:5, 2 Tim 4:7)

“I have kept (‘guarded’) the faith”

o   Discuss “…whoever says ‘Christianity is for weak people’ has never tried to live it!

  • What is it about living by faith that requires strength?

  • Why “guard” faith— guard against… what, exactly? (Jude v3,4, 2 Peter 1:12, Phil 3:1)

  • Is “speaking the truth in love” worth the risk of disunity it may create? Why or why not?

“Now there is in store (reserved) for me the crown of righteousness…”

o   If salvation is by grace, what makes God “reward” people in the sense Paul uses here? Isn’t it enough to just be saved? (Matt 5:10-12, Matt 25:21, Like 12:33-34, I Cor 3:8)

o   Discuss the phrase, “…and all those who have longed for HIs appearing”— what would make someone “long” for Jesus to come back? (I Thes 4:16-17, Heb 9:28, TItus 2:13, James 5:7)

Respond: (Divide the group into pairs)

Scott ended with the question, “What will you do with your dash?” We have the opportunity right now to make that choice, which begins with a “Romans 12:1” surrender to God’s Kingdom purposes!

Spend some time in prayer together in response to that verse.


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No Regrets God