No Regrets God

Luke 15:11-32


Share how you have seen God in the Highs and Lows of your week.


Pray that God would lead your discussion time and bring fresh insight, conviction, and hope through your time together.


Context: Work as group to put together a picture of the story Jesus was telling of the Prodigal Son:

o   Inheritance would only ever be transferred at death of the father

o   Communities were very tight, so this would have been a very public disgrace

o   We are dropping in on a story Jesus is telling to the crowd (both tax collectors and Pharisees included!)

Read the passage together.


Have you ever met someone for whom a “relationship with God” felt like a burden to them?  If so, describe that.

Discuss the phrase, “I am the younger son/daughter in this story when I seek love and significance where it cannot be found”

o   What was he seeking that he did not already have? (Luke 15:111-13)

o   Why do you think he “moved to a distant land” to fulfill those dreams?

Why did the son frame his actions as “I have sinned against heaven and against you.” 15:17-20)

o   Why would that confession even be needed?

o   How was this a ‘sin against heaven’?

The son’s view of himself and the father’s view were very different!  What happened here? (Luke 15:21-24)

o   What part did confession and repentance play in this story—what changed?

o   What part did mercy and grace play in this story—how did this change the outcome?

The father went out to get both sons—both the rebel repentant and the dutiful offended sons.

o   Have you ever had contempt for God’s mercy on another person?  Describe that.

o   Have you trusted in your own faithfulness/obedience to gain God’s approval?

Respond: (Divide the group into pairs)

Scott ended with a twofold question—are you going to come HOME/ Are you going to come IN?”  spend some time in personal reflection, then share and pray together.


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No Regrets Death


No Regrets Marriage