No Regrets Kids

Deut 6:1-25


Share how you have seen God in the Highs and Lows of your week.


Pray that God would lead your discussion time and bring fresh insight, conviction, and hope through your time together.


Context: Work as group to put together a picture of what is happening in the story:

o   Moses talking to a nation (Israel) that is taking possession of a new land

o   Old Testament was about obeying the “Law of Moses” (laws that God gave Moses for the people)

o   While we “live in the new way of the Spirit” (Rom 8), the essential laws of ‘love God with everything you’ve got (Deut 6:4) and love your neighbor as yourself (Lev 19:18)’ remain the core of God’s intent for our lives.

Read the passage (Deuteronomy 6:1-25) out loud together.


Discuss the domino effect of parenting (parenting our own kids in the way we were parented)—do you think that happens?  Why or why not?  (Deut 6:1-17)

The “end game”, the goal that God has in mind here, is “…so that you my live in reverence of/ acknowledgement of/ fear of the Lord as long as you live…”  Describe a family and a community that lives like that—what would it be like?

3 roles of a parent:

o   “Model” is one of the roles of parents Scott talked about here. Why is home life (‘you…your children…their children’) central to this “teach  you to observe…”—isn’t it enough just to keep up appearances in public? (6:1-2)

o   Talk about a “Teachable moment” that you had growing up or as a parent yourself—what made it a “teachable moment”? (6:20-25)

o   Why do children take greater risks when a parent is Present—how do ‘presence’ and ‘confidence’ work together here? (6:7-8)

Discuss the phrase, “Grace covers our regrets” with respect to our past, our present and our future of parenting our kids? (James 1:19, Eph 4:32)


o   What “…story do you want to leave behind…” in the sense of leaving a legacy for our children (include both obedience and grace in your response)  


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