No Regrets Dating

I Thes 4:1-7


Share how you have seen God in the Highs and Lows of your week.


Pray that God would lead your discussion time and bring fresh insight, conviction, and hope through your time together.


Context: Work as group to put together a picture of what is happening in the story:

  • The culture of the city was much like American culture today with respect to sexuality

  • Paul had shared the Gospel with them before, and this was a “reminder” letter

Read the passage out loud together.


Discuss “What is the purpose for dating?”

Read 4:1-2 and discuss:

o   What is the “why” behind all this talk on morality, sexual purity, etc… WHY pay attention to that?

o   Why is it necessary to “…urge [you] to do this more and more…”— isn’t this a “just do it” command?

Read 1 Thes 4:3-5

o   If God created every aspect of our sexual life experience, where did we get the idea that “God is some cosmic kill-joy”?

o   If the word “sanctified” means “set apart”, how does Scott’s example of “you are fine china” help us to understand that as intended here?

o   Paul talks about “…learn to control your own bodies…”— Why would we do that? How can that happen?

Discuss the call of God to each and every believer as Paul uses it here in 4:7

o   What does, “It’s not just about rules or even avoiding consequences; it’s about obedience and living out our calling” (Scott) mean in this context?

o   How does God’s call and our responsibility to “learn to control our own bodies” work together here?

What would it cost us to actually do this?


o   Watch the video, “Father’s Love Letter” together

o   Spend some time personally reflecting on this description of who you are to God, and thank Him for this


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No Regrets Life