Baptism Sunday!

Acts 8,9 and Selected Scriptures


  • Share how you have seen God in the Highs and Lows of your week.


Pray that God would lead your discussion time and bring fresh insight, conviction, and hope through your time together.


This past Sunday was about the way that God calls us to make a “U-turn”— sometimes away from things that we thought we were doing for Him! This led up to an invitation for joining in baptism.

The Grand Tour of the message: Thinking back on what you heard this Sunday…

o What did you learn about God?

o What did you learn about people?

o What did you learn about yourself?

o What do you want to commit to putting into practice?

Key Takeaways:

1. The Necessity of a U-Turn: Do we recognize when we are spiritually off course? A U-turn is not just a minor adjustment; it is a complete change of direction towards God. This requires humility and the willingness to admit that we need to change.

2. The Role of Community in Spiritual Growth: Ananias played a crucial role in Saul's transformation by obeying God's command to restore Saul's sight and welcome him into the Christian community. This act of obedience and acceptance highlights the importance of community in our spiritual journeys. We need others to guide, support, and affirm our new direction in Christ.

3. Evidence of a Genuine U-Turn: A genuine U-turn in our spiritual lives is evidenced by a noticeable change in our behavior, priorities, and purpose. Saul immediately began preaching about Jesus, astonishing those who knew his past. When we truly turn towards God, our lives will reflect that change in tangible ways.

Key Scriptures:
1. Acts 8:1-3 - Saul's persecution of the church
2. Acts 9:1-19 - Saul's encounter with Jesus and transformation
3. Matthew 7:13-14 - The broad and narrow gates



  • Talk about a time when God “interrupted” what you thought you were working so hard on for Him, and He redirected you.

  • What virtues/character traits are needed in order to take that “u-turn” that God redirected you to?

Read Acts 8:1-3 then Acts 9:1-9:

  • Why do you think Saul needed such a dramatic encounter with Jesus Christ?

  • What changed when Saul did a “Spiritual U-turn”?

Read Acts 9:10-19

  • What did Ananias have to believe in order to fulfill the calling God was giving him? How did his view of the situation change (do a ‘u-turn’) as the Lord spoke to him?

  • Ananias went from referring to Saul as “this man” to “brother Saul”— what changed?

Read Matthew 7:13-14

  • What is Jesus talking about here? (hint: look at the context as Jesus contrasts healthy/unhealthy, true/false, etc)

  • What is it that makes the broad way… broad; and the narrow way narrow? What makes this metaphor a good choice here?


This week’s message was focused on a build up to Baptism, but the fact is that Divine Interventions are something we can expect from God throughout our walk of faith! Spend some time in prayer together that the Lord will give you eyes to see and ears to hear when He wants to change our focus!


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