Built to Last: Hold on Loosely

Exodus 2:1-10


  • Share how you have seen God in the Highs and Lows of your week.

  • Discuss how resolutions made last week in “growing more like Jesus” worked themselves out— what did God do in and through you (Phil 2:13)? Celebrate those together!


Pray that God would lead your discussion time and bring fresh insight, conviction, and hope through your time together.


Review: Work as group to put together a picture of the series so far:

o   Put Jesus’ words into action, building our lives on the firm foundation of His Truth

o   Resolving to forgive makes room for God (not Satan) to work in the situation, trusting Him with what needs to be done.

o   Weigh your Words— we need 5 complements for every 1 critique— ‘how we doin’ with that?"‘

Read the passage together: Exodus 2:1-10


Talk about what it is like to either “let go” if you have a mother in the groups, or “be let go” if not.

  • How did that experience of “moving out of the house and on with life” affect your walk with the Lord?

  • How did the relationship between parent/child unfold in that chapter of life?

Moses parents saw he was a “fine” (special, good) child (Ex 2:1-2), and the writer of Hebrews develops that idea by saying, “…they were not afraid of the King’s edict” (to have all the boy babies killed to reduce the Hebrew population growth)!

o   Why was this an act of faith? What characteristics of the “life of faith” do we see here? (Hebrews 11:23)

o   Scott used this section to describe “hold on loosely” as a mother doing everything in her power to protect her child. Discuss how faith and human limitations work together as parents seek to honor God through their parenting.

Ex 2:3-4 talks about Moses mother (Jochebed) having to put her special baby in a basket and let the river take her baby wherever it was going to go!

o  How did this “make room for God to work” when she realized that she “…could no longer hide him”?

o  As parents, we have the instinct to want to control not only our kids environment, but also the choices only they can make! Discuss some of the ‘seasons” of motherhood and how God has worked in each of these.

Ex 2:5-9 talks about a miraculous turning point that would change the course of Egyptian and Hebrew history!

o  Where do you see the hand of God in this story? (E.g., basket not sinking, getting caught in front of princess’ pool, her choice to adopt Moses, saying yes to sister’s offer…)

o  Scott used this section of the story to talk about “re-entering” a child’s life when the door opened. What does this require of the two sides of this relationship (parents, kids)?

o  There is an upper story (God’s plans from eternity) and a lower story (what we see/know) to every life, every family (Rom 8:29)— how do we nurture the faith/ trust that fills the gap between the two?

Respond: (Divide the group into pairs)

o   There is a “holding on and letting go” to the seasons of life— and it takes godly wisdom to navigate those seasons, especially during times of change!

  • Break out into groups of 2-4 and share the season you are in right now, sharing specific prayer requests as needed.

  • Pray for each other


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Chasing Happiness: Chasing our own Tails


Built to Last: Weigh your Words