Serve Together, Stay Together


So just in case you were wondering, YES, there are opportunities for you to serve together as a Life Group! Here are just some ideas to get the ball rolling, then you can feel free to Reach Out and talk about more options!

  • Weekend Service: Whether its parking, greeting or other area, we’d LOVE to have some volunteers to help! Contact Jon Boczar to get started.

  • Local Outreach: Packing/sorting/delivering food at the pantry (Aixa), Collecting/ sorting/ giving clothing at the boutique (Evelyn), or running a special appreciation for the staff/volunteers (Mark).

  • Urban Outreach: Our Hope Truck is going to be making runs to urban areas to assist in homeless outreach (delivering food/coats, etc.) in partnership with groups like Relief Bus and city missions. Contact Mark.

  • Global-Local: God has bought the world to our doorstep! If you are interested in a ‘local mission trip’ for an evening or a day where you can meet internationals in our area, contact Mark.

There are many other ideas and opportunities, many other groups we can partner you with… and your group likely has some creative ideas of your own! We may be able to help with some of the resources at the church (Truck, van, grill, food, clothing, contacts, etc.)— the goal here is to get our people serving together in Jesus Name, so lets do all we can to make that happen, and Reach Out if we can help!


Roles in a Life Group


Personalities and Gifts!