Messiah: Prince of Peace

Isaiah 9:6-7 and Selected Scriptures


  • Share how you have seen God in the Highs and Lows of your week.

  • Discuss how resolutions made last week in “growing more like Jesus” worked themselves out – what God did in and through you (Phil. 2:13) Celebrate and thank God for those together and pray with those who experienced some “Lows” this week, for God’s encouragement for them.


Pray that God would lead your discussion time and bring fresh insight, conviction, and hope through your time together.


This Christmas season we're focusing on the names of the Messiah as recorded by the prophet Isaiah. In the midst of a very dark time in Israel's history God spoke through the prophet about the coming of the One who would bring light into the world. Each of the four names express the character and activity of Jesus our Messiah and the impact that he makes in our lives today.

This week we look at Jesus as “Prince of Peace”

The Grand Tour of the message: Thinking back on what you heard this Sunday…

o What did you learn about God?

o What did you learn about people?

o What did you learn about yourself?

o What do you want to commit to putting into practice?

Read Isaiah 9:6-7 together.


“Peace” is a wonderful reality in relationships… and very hard to maintain!

  • Brainstorm:

    • Why is it so difficult to maintain peace— within ourselves, between each other, and in relation to God?

    • What are the greatest sources of anxiety for you? Share whatever you feel comfortable sharing.

  • Peace within yourself: Read John 14:25-27 and Philippians 4:4-9: Discuss our role in finding peace and the source(s) of peace.

    • What is our role in “letting” the peace of Christ rule and not “letting” our hearts be troubled. What does it mean to actually do that?

    • Identify the sources of peace (in Christ, in our character development, in our hope…); are these sufficient to overcome the greatest sources of our anxiety? Why or why not?

  • Peace with others: Read Ephesians 2:14, Matthew 5:9, Mark 9:50, 1 Thessalonians 5:13, Romans 12:16-18, Romans 14:19, Colossians 3:15, James 3:17-18, James 4:1-3, Hebrews 12:14: Discuss Our role in pursuing peace with others

    • What does it mean to seek peace “as far as it depends on [you]”? Are there boundaries to how far we are to go in seeking peace with others?

    • Why is “seeking peace” such and emphasis in these verses— look at the context and discuss.

    • If we did NOT seek peace, what would the impact be on God’s Kingdom purposes in and through us?

  • Peace with God: Read Luke 2:8-14. Discuss “peace with God” using the prompts below

    • Describe a lifestyle that is not “at peace with God”— what does life look like when we are not remotely concerned about peace with God? How does that end?

    • Read the following verses, and then try to sum up the story of how peace with God happens (how that peace was broken, God’s role and ours in restoring peace, and the consequences of peace with God). John 5:24, Romans 4:20-5:5, Romans 7:18-8:11.


“You can’t have the peace of Jesus by having just a piece of Jesus.” That means our response to Jesus needs to acknowledge Who He says He is: Lord and Savior. In healing every fragment, in healing our deepest hurts, His power, His authority, His reign can shine to His glory! Spend some time together this evening committing the WHOLE of our lives to our Lord and Savior, for HIs purposes, for His glory!

Merry Christmas everyone, and a very Happy New Year!


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