Crazy Love

1 John


  • Share how you have seen God in the Highs and Lows of your week.

  • Discuss how resolutions made last week in “growing more like Jesus” worked themselves out – what God did in and through you (Phil. 2:13) Celebrate and thank God for those together and pray with those who experienced some “Lows” this week, for God’s encouragement for them.


Pray that God would lead your discussion time and bring fresh insight, conviction, and hope through your time together.


God is perfect, infinite… and everything about Him is just that awesome in holy perfection… including His love. We spent some time this Sunday looking at some of the facets of God’s love, and here we’re going to take a deep dive into a letter from one of the apostles who articulated that love of God beautifully…

The Grand Tour of the message: Thinking back on what you heard this Sunday…

o What did you learn about God?

o What did you learn about people?

o What did you learn about yourself?

o What do you want to commit to putting into practice?


Loving people who are a challenge to love really can only happen when God’s love is the center of our identity… and every other relationship in our lives is filtered through that. Share about a time you had to learn to love a difficult person.

  • Read 1 John 1

    • What are the practical implications for Christian living because 'God is Light' and we are to 'walk in the light'/

  • Read 1 John 2

    • How will God's Love be expressed in a sincere Christian's life, and how can we remain vigilant to guard our hearts from distraction?

  • Read 1 John 3

    • How does the" practice of sinning" v.9 differ from the heart of one who is seeking to walk in the light?

  • Read 1 John 4

    • How is Christlike love to be expressed in a world of 24/7 global news, and what is the fear that God's perfect love casts out of us??

  • Read 1 John 5

    • How is it that God's commands are "not burdensome" to true Christians, and how can we have the assurance that we are asking in prayer according to God's Will?


The Scriptures talk about the way that, as we get to know God, His character is increasingly evident in our lives (Eph 3:16-18)! Spend some time this evenings praying that the Lord would do that in your lives in increasing your love for Him, each other, and those around you!


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