In One Moment: A Moment of Decision (Adam & Eve)

Genesis 2:15-3:23


  • Share how you have seen God in the Highs and Lows of your week.

  • Discuss how resolutions made last week in “growing more like Jesus” worked themselves out— what did God do in and through you (Phil 2:13)? Celebrate those together!


Pray that God would lead your discussion time and bring fresh insight, conviction, and hope through your time together.


Review: Remind the group of the focus of this series:

o   This series takes us through the pivotal decisions that ‘made Christmas”!

The Grand Tour of the message:

o What did you learn about God?

o What did you learn about people?

o What did you learn about yourself?

o What do you want to commit to putting into practice?


Ask for a volunteer to give an overview of the story in our text. Discuss the following questions:

o God made things good (Gen 1:31), and Adam and Eve lived in a world without sin (Gen 2:15-18, 25). What would it have been like to live in that world where they literally had no awareness of sin’s effects.

Read Genesis 3:1-5. Discuss this passage.

o 3:1: If you were with Eve in the Garden, knowing what she knew, how would you have responded to that question?

o If “deception begins by questioning God’s Word” (Did God really say, “You must not eat from any tree in the Garden?"), how do we keep from being deceived?

o  3:2-5: Discuss Eve’s response and the Serpent’s here. There was a mix of what God actually said, some extra “safety margins”, some partial information, and some things that seemed to (slightly) miss the mark.

o  If “deception increases by doubting God’s character”, how did Eve/ the Serpent miss that?

Read 3:6-11. Discuss these questions

o  If Adam could have gone back in time by 10 seconds after eating that fruit, what do you think he would have said to Adam, Eve, the Serpent?

o  God’s called out, “Where are you”. It’s not because He did not know (Ps 139:7-13), so what was happening here?

o  Adam and Eve were hiding from a God Who was pursuing them, even as He was about to judge what they did— talk about other situations where you see exactly this dynamic in Scripture (Ex 7:1-5, .Acts 9…)

Read 3:12-19. Discuss the following questions

o  The blame game dominos went from Adam to Eve to the Serpent. God’s judgement followed exactly the same path. How do you see God’s holiness and His mercy working together here on Adam and Eve?

o  Both Adam and Eve ended their explanation with “…and I ate.” The judgements against Adam and Eve were fearsome and life-long. To answer, “Why judgement?” we need to ask first, “How bad is sin?”. So, how bad is sin?

o  Gen 3:15 is the first mention of an end to the evil the serpent was seeking to inflict. Talk about how “Strike his heel” and “crush your head” happened at the cross of Jesus Christ.

o  3:16-19 covers God’s judgement which is carried on through all generations (Romans 5:12)— why was it not just a punishment of Adam and Eve— why were the kids (all of us) implicated in that?

o  3:21-23: Discuss the difference between their solution (fig leaves) and God’s solution (animal skin and exile).


o   “Will it change you” is the call to decision and action here. Break out into pairs and share how the question hits you, here, now. Pray that the Lord would search and know your heart, and take the time to recommit yourself to Jesus as He lives HIS life through YOU!


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