Heroes: Abigail

1 Samuel 25:1-42


  • Share how you have seen God in the Highs and Lows of your week.

  • Discuss how resolutions made last week in “growing more like Jesus” worked themselves out— what did God do in and through you (Phil 2:13)? Celebrate those together!


Pray that God would lead your discussion time and bring fresh insight, conviction, and hope through your time together.


Review: Remind the group of the focus of this series:

o   This series takes us through the lives and lessons of selected people from Biblical history

o   We looked at David , Esther and Daniel. This week we looked at a less known person: Abigail.

The Grand Tour:

o What did you learn about God?

o What did you learn about people?

o What did you learn about yourself?

o What do you want to commit to putting into practice?


Read 1 Samuel 25:2-13. Discuss the following questions:

o Work together to build a chacter sketch of David (Samuel had just died, he was running from Saul), Nabal (v17) and Abigail (v3). Who were these people, and how do you think their situation had formed them to play out their roles in this moment of their lives?

o Scott made the point that Nabal was a guy who just picks the wrong battles to fight. David then responded by telling his people to strap on their sword. Both men seemed to be responding impulsively. Compare and contrast the two men’s responses here— did either have the right to be offended to the point of denying any food/ killing all the men in a household? Explain.

Read 25:14-19. Discuss this passage.

o It says Abigail “acted quickly”, going well beyond what David and his men had asked for. Nothing had happened yet— why would she have responded to this degree this quickly?

o v 19 says that she did not tell Nabal. What would you have done? Why?

o  Scott made the point that “Heroes lean in” when things get tense or there are wrongs to be reconciled. What does it mean to “Lean in”? How do you see leaning in/ out in this situation?

Read 25:20-31. Discuss these questions

o  Identify the character traits of Abigail from this appeal to David.

o  Scott brought out that “Heroes point people to God’s vision of their future”. How/Why did that help in this situation?

Read D25:35-44. Discuss the following questions

o  Nabal was having a party when Abigail returned, completely oblivious to the level of offense e had caused and the danger she had averted. What is it that makes a person this blind to their own damages?

o  Nabal’s heart stopped when he heard about what had almost happened. Why the extreme switch from “Go away” to fear that stopped his heart— what did he believe about himself, about David, that had changed?

o  Why do you think David sent so quickly for Abigail to marry him? What does this say about David?


o   Abigail had endured years of life under the hand of a “scoundrel” like Nabal, and in the process had honed an amazing skill in negotiation with angry people. How is God using challenges right now to hone you into a sharper instrument for His use? Share as appropriate and pray for each other to have discernment to walk in step with God’s leading in those situations.


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