Heroes: Esther

Book of Esther


  • Share how you have seen God in the Highs and Lows of your week.

  • Discuss how resolutions made last week in “growing more like Jesus” worked themselves out— what did God do in and through you (Phil 2:13)? Celebrate those together!


Pray that God would lead your discussion time and bring fresh insight, conviction, and hope through your time together.


Review: Remind the group of the focus of this series:

o   This series takes us through the lives and lessons of selected people from Biblical history

o   Last week’s message dealt with David and lessons learned from this “man after God’s Own heart”

o   This week’s message looked at the life and lessons of Queen Esther (Hadassa!)

Work together to tell the main storyline of Esther— have someone start, giving others the freedom to add details as they wish.


Esther is all about God’s providential timing— have someone share a time where it was clear that God Himself set up the timing of something that happened in your life!.

Discuss this question: “How do you know when God is leading you to take a risk?”

Read Esther 3:1-6. Discuss the following questions:

o Mordecai bowed to the king; why would he not bow to Haman who was the kings appointed envoy? (Would you have bowed? Why or why not?)

o Rage drove Haman to destroy not only Mordecai, but his entire ethnic group, the Jews! What is it about rage that causes a response like this?

Read Esther 4: 10-17. Discuss this passage.

o Scott made the point, “Heroes see coincidence through the lens of God’s providence”. What does that mean?

o The risk here was real to Esther in approaching the king, but she did it after just 2 exchanges with Mordecai. Was that presumptuous of her (since it does not look like she prayed before making that decision— she prayed afterwards that God would bless the plan!)? …or was it an act of faithfulness to her identity as an Israelite, God’s chosen people? Why or why not?

o  IN verses 13,14, Mordecai seems to be threatening Esther! What was happening there— why did he respond in that way? What would have been your response to Esther’s first message?

o In verses 15,16, Esther seems to be acting as if she is trapped— How did faith play into her response in this situation?

Esther chapter 5 is basically about Esther approaching the king and Haman’s plot to kill Mordecai.

o  God seems to be letting both parties (Esther, Haman) work out their plans. Would you have told Esther to back off, stay safe? Why or why not

o  Haman agreed with his wife’s plan to make a public spectacle out of Mordecai’s death (a horribly torturous one where a person was impaled, alive, onto a sharpened pole!). What does a 50’ high stake like this say about Haman’s view of himself, of others, of God?

Summarize what happens in Esther 6-9. Discuss the passage.

o   Why does God humble proud rulers like Haman?

o   Identify all the “…but God”, providential, Proverbs 21:1 moments in this story.

o   The solution to Haman’s edict was for the Jews to be allowed to arm themselves and fight their enemies! Read v 11-17. What does this say about the culture and character of the Jewish peoples in their land of exile?


o   Divide up into small groups and discuss this question, “Why has God put me where I am today (work, neighborhood, gifting, connections, resources, family, friends… all the you influence)? Pray for one another that God would give you the courage to risk wisely as you seek first His Kingdom in all these areas!


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