Built to Last: Resolve to Forgive

Genesis 27-33; Romans 12:17-21


Share how you have seen God in the Highs and Lows of your week.


Pray that God would lead your discussion time and bring fresh insight, conviction, and hope through your time together.


Review: Work as group to put together a picture of the series so far:

o   Building on the “Rock” is not only knowing Jesus’ words, but need to put Jesus teachings into practice (making choices that acknowledge/ count on, the truth of Jesus’ words.

o   Looked at the book of James as a practical resource!

Read the passage together: Romans 12:17-21


Review the story of Jacob and Esau, piecing the story details together as a group. (Gen 27-33)

o   “Revenge seems more fitting than forgiveness”, so what do you think happened to Esau in the 20 years between when Jacob ran away and when he returned? (became rich himself, missed his remaining family, decided not to hold on to rage..?)

o   Do you think it was more difficult for Jacob or Esau?  Why?

Discuss the phrase, “When we resolve to forgive, we are saying, “I forgive you before you ever ask for it or if you never ask for it.”

o   What does a resolution to forgive do… for us… our families… community… church…?  (Heb 12:15, 1 Cor 13:4)

o   What are we choosing to build if we decide beforehand NOT to forgive?

Discuss the verse where God says, “It is Mine to avenge, I will repay.” (Deut 32:35, Rom 12:19)

o   If Evil was done to me, why is it God’s to repay?  (Ps 51:4, Luke 15:21)

o   What happens to justice if we are not to extract vengeance ourselves?

o   Does God ever take vengeance?  For example…?

Discuss the phrase, “If we don’t leave room for God to work, then we are leaving room for Satan to work” (Rom 12:19, 21; Eph 4:26)

o   What is God likely to do with the “room” we surrender to Him?

o   What is Satan likely to do with it?

Respond: (Divide the group into pairs)

o   When we resolve to forgive, we’re saying, “God, I trust You with what needs to be done about what they did to me.” 

o   Resolve now to forgive, and have a friend witness that with you.

Ask the Lord to search your heart and show you where unforgiveness is preventing God from working in and through your life.


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